Tips & Tricks
Tips and tricks to help you use online technology to achieve your business goals.

Where exactly IS your Facebook ad account?
So you’ve decided you want to start using Facebook ads. Great. Now what?! Well, the very first thing you need to do is find your ad account. I know this seems like a pretty basic thing, but you’d be amazed at: A) How many people struggle to find it, and B) How much of the…

Want to see what’s happening on your website right now?
Did you know that you can watch what your customers are doing on your site in real time using your Google Analytics account? I absolutely love this feature of Google Analytics. It’s like watching my website breathe.

Bounce Rate: What on earth is it and why does it even matter?
So you’ve heard about bounce rate, or you’ve seen it in your Google Analytics reports, but what is it, and why does it matter? Watch my video to find out what bounce rate is all about, and how you can get it headed in the right direction.

That time I nearly destroyed my business
In 2009, I had a thriving business that was turning over more than 600K, and I almost lost it all because I got lazy. Watch my video to get the whole messy story on my business near-miss, and why I’ll never make that same mistake again.

How to tell where your website traffic is coming from
It’s time for another dose of Measurement Magic, with the Data Fairy, and today’s topic is Facebook pixels. What on earth are they, and why would you even want one?

Why would you want to use a Facebook pixel?
It’s time for another dose of Measurement Magic, with the Data Fairy, and today’s topic is Facebook pixels. What on earth are they, and why would you even want one?

Why I’m so passionate about numbers
I get really excited about numbers, but not for the sake of themselves. Watch my video, or read the transcript, to discover why I get so excited about them and how numbers can make our lives seriously better.

Are you ready for the upcoming changes to the Google Analytics interface?
Google are planning on making some changes to the Google Analytics interface over the next few weeks, to make navigation easier and to streamline some reporting and functionality. Watch my video, or read the transcript, and find out what to expect, so you’re not thrown when it all suddenly looks different.

What I love about “Beyond Satisfaction” by Breanne Dyck
I read a fascinating book recently, by Breanne Dyck, called “Beyond Satisfaction” and it’s all about creating an amazing online learning experience – one that creates raving fans because it gets people results. Watch my video review, or read the transcript, and discover what I love about this book, and why you’ll want to add…