I wanted a simple way to take payments, and to show the payment form in a modal window.
I created a shortcode that displays a button, that then displays any external URL in a modal when clicked.
Follow my step-by-step instructions to set up and use your software the right way.
When your site goes into maintenance mode during plugin and theme updates, WordPress loads a default page that is VERY basic and not very attractive or professional.
You can control the look and feel of your WordPress maintenance mode page by creating a custom “maintenance.php” file that includes your branding, relevant images and contact details.
I’m working on a site where I want to pull out just one single category of blog post, “Case Studies”, into its own URL structure, so I can see how this category of content is performing in Analytics, and also to send a signal to Google about the importance of this content to this website.
Initially I used a plugin, but there were a few issues with this option so I decided to create a solution in PHP instead.
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