I wanted a simple way to take payments, and to show the payment form in a modal window.
I created a shortcode that displays a button, that then displays any external URL in a modal when clicked.
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When your site goes into maintenance mode during plugin and theme updates, WordPress loads a default page that is VERY basic and not very attractive or professional.
You can control the look and feel of your WordPress maintenance mode page by creating a custom “maintenance.php” file that includes your branding, relevant images and contact details.
I’m working on a site where I want to pull out just one single category of blog post, “Case Studies”, into its own URL structure, so I can see how this category of content is performing in Analytics, and also to send a signal to Google about the importance of this content to this website.
Initially I used a plugin, but there were a few issues with this option so I decided to create a solution in PHP instead.
I’ve recently begun getting spam messages through my contact forms that are submitted by humans, not bots, so they don’t get stopped by the standard honeypot setting in WPForms.
I wanted to create a content blacklist for WPForms that was easy to maintain and add new terms to. I also didn’t want the overhead of another plugin, so I created a solution in PHP.
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